Manjunath Hegde flutes
Manjunath Hegde flutes

| Make Hindustani & Carnatic Bamboo Flute |

Mr. Manjunath Hegde `HEGDE flute` maker was born in an agriculture family. Music was unknown to this family. God’s grace let the interest to shift towards music and pushed to learn music under famous musician Pt. Narayan Dage, Gadag. Encouraging words by Harmonium Player Vittal Sa Kabadi whom I met during my music learning stimulated me to make flute by my own. When I presented my first hand made flute to musician G.S.Hegde Bellekeri, he appreciated my work which made me continue my work. What Changed Me:- In 1978 I met Pt.Venkatesh Godkhindi flutist at Dharwad Radio Station and showed him the flute I prepared. Pandit Ji being an experienced flute maker appreciated and said some positive words on my work. Then I made flute making as my profession.
